I just can’t bring myself to enjoy vegan leather. I love designer handbags and vegan leather just does not compare in quality. It’s just not the same. I also have a difficult time finding shoes that are cute, or look good on my feet and it is similarly difficult for me to find ones that aren’t leather. I am now a full time vegetarian and vegan, I love animals and try to make my part to preserve the planet, since we only have one place to live. It’s great to have many vegan options nowadays, but I still struggle with fashion items. I sort of feel hypocritical for still having leather items, but I just can’t bring myself to buy anything else. I love fashion and bags and shoes are difficult to find, because vegan leather cracks, fades, and it does not last.
Here’s why it’s a struggle for me. I am an environmentalist and I feel like a hypocrite by saying that I still love fashion and leather items. Fashion is amazing and slowly the fashion industry is understanding the importance of becoming more sustainable without harming the animals and planet. However, until the time comes where the quality of vegan fashion items is up to par, I think the transition for me will be a difficult one. I am looking for vegan leather bags or shoes that would not crack, or fade right away. One of the brands that I like is KatVonD. She is a vegan and so far her shoes have good reviews (It’s just not my style and that is where my problem comes ) I prefer a different look that fits my style.
I do not see anything wrong with enjoying fashion and wanting to make better choices, yet for me switching to vegan fashion has not come easy. I hope that in the future I can make the switch. In the other hand, I am fine using vegan makeup. There are cruelty free brands such as KatVonD, Milk, Korres, and Cover/FX that I use everyday. I enjoy the colors and multi-use of their products. I particularly like Korres, their balancing cream is amazing. I love the makeup and the quality of it , I do not miss any of the regular makeup brands at all. I believe that the makeup industry is actually coming along nicely in this space with more brands that are cruelty free and vegan.
These are my thoughts on the matter, and I wanted to let you know how much I love vegan makeup and how I wish to one day enjoy vegan leather the same way I enjoy regular leather handbags and shoes…..